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Infant Baptism


In asking to have your child baptized you are accepting the responsibility of training him or her in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him or her up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbour.


If you would like your child (under the aged of 7) to be baptised we ask that parents attend a preparation course beforehand.  There are several courses taking place each year in the Parish.  The course aims to help you further understand the sacrament of Baptism and the responsibility you are accepting in raising your child as a Christian in the Catholic church.  You will also find out more about the ceremony itself and have an opportunity to ask questions.  The course involves attending two short sessions.  The details of the courses currently planned are as follows.


You can read more about the sacrament of Baptism here


Please speak to Fr Antony after Sunday Mass and contact the parish office for a registration pack if you would like to attend the next preparation course.


11th December 2024

7-9pm in the Parish hall

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