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Sunday: 8.30am and 10.30 am (sung)

Tuesday to Friday: 10 am
Holy Days of Obligation: 10 am & 7.30 pm


Please check the Newsletter for any changes to normal advertised mass times here



Saturday at 10.30 am, after morning Mass or by appointment with the Parish Priest



On Wednesdays, starting 25 mins before Mass.



Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

9.30am – 3.30 pm


If you need to contact the parish or make an appointment with the Parish Priest please try to do so during these office hours.

Mass times commencing Friday 10th July

Sunday morning: 10.00  a.m.    Sunday evening mass 5.30 p.m.

Monday-no service.                     Tuesday 10.00 a.m.

Wednesday 7.30 p.m.                Thursday 12.00 noon

Friday-no service

Saturday- 10.00 recorded mass for Sunday by invitation for those with special circumstances (less capacity due to cameras)

You will need to book - click here for information on  how to book

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