Reflection for The Baptism of the Lord
My dear Friends:
This is our first newsletter of 2021! A blessed, joy-filled New Year to each and every one of you. I know these are rather weird times. However, they are not just filled with challenges, pain, anxieties, panic and desperation. They are also filled with amazing opportunities to re-evaluate life-priorities, value systems, ‘conditioned’ daily routines, personal goals and our own unique spiritual journeys!
Lockdowns can assist us to engage in the ‘interior, spiritual journey’. Sometimes, too, with professional help and assistance, it can be a time to come to terms with some of the issues which have been haunting us for years. Perhaps issues which we have kept at bay with frenetic activity. Whichever way we view it, this can be an opportunity for growth, change and transformation.
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all who worked so hard during this Advent and Christmas Season. It was a joy to see the fruit of so much work, sacrifice and commitment experienced by so many here, and online, in these surreal times.
There are so many people in this community who do, and have done, so much over Christmas and throughout the year: In these challenging times, thank you to our various teams which usher, sanitise, and Congregation-IT! Our thanks and appreciation to the members of our Parish Council; Choir and Musicians online!; Finance Team; Liturgy and IT Groups; Fund Raisers; Altar Servers in Spirit, ; Floral Artists; Cleaners and Polishers; Sacristan Teams; Catechists; Ministers of the Eucharist and Word; Hospitality Groups; Collectors, Bereavement, J&P and SVP Groups, and all who have contributed in any way to the spiritual and material growth of this Faith Community, before, during and after this pandemic!
In addition, please accept my sincere thanks for your many, personal kindnesses to me. Thank you so very much for your cards, gifts and offerings which are deeply appreciated.
May the Lord truly bless and reward these kindnesses and your generosity.
Remember me as loving you.
Fr. Antony