Reflection for 19th Sunday of Year
A Reflection on this Sunday’s Gospel
The Jews murmured about Jesus…Jesus answered and said to them, “Stop murmuring among yourselves.” John 6:41&43
Jesus was the object of gossip, ridicule, belittlement, etc. They “murmured” about Him. What a simpleminded thing for the people to do.
In the passage above, Jesus was giving one of His most glorious and profound teachings. He was continuing His teaching on the Most Holy Eucharist, the Gift of His Body and Blood as the Bread of Life. He said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” And upon hearing this teaching, they murmured about Him.
Again, what a simpleminded thing for many to do at that time. But sadly this same thing still happens in a variety of ways today. Every Sunday (and every day if we are able) we are given the opportunity to consume the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Messiah, the King of all Kings, the Saviour of the World, the Creator, Omnipotent and Glorious God! Yet, what do so many of us do? We come to Mass disinterested, distracted, and more concerned about what we will be doing later in the day than what we are doing at the Holy Mass.
This is a sad truth that needs to be corrected. “If we but understood the gift of the Holy Mass we would die instantly out of love,” said St. John Vianney. Do you understand the Mass?
Murmuring about Jesus’ teaching on the Eucharist does not necessarily have to be only something we say out loud. We “murmur” about Jesus interiorly when we fail to understand, accept and enter into this glorious gift. Murmuring is the same as lacking a complete conviction and embrace of this gift. Perhaps we do not murmur externally with our words, but we may find we murmur interiorly in the sense that we lack interest in this Precious Gift.
Reflect, today, upon whether or not your heart is fully engaged with the Holy Eucharist. When you think about going to Mass, are you overwhelmed with joy and a deep spiritual longing? Or do you look at it as an obligation you need to fulfill? If it is more of an obligation you need to fulfill, then you may have more of an interior “murmuring” than you realize.
A reflection for 18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time My Catholic Life (