Liturgy Group
(Leadership Area:

What we do
This is a permanent group of the Parish Council, that sometimes in the past has had a different name!
Its purpose is to work with, and to, the Parish Priest. We are responsible for :
the organisation and form of formal and informal services of liturgy, and worship- this includes:
all aspects of internal decoration for services,
regular special events: e.g Rosary at the Cemetery, Justice and Peace, Healing etc;
Altar Servers
Lay Ministers of Eucharistic, Readers, bidding prayers etc
Preparing guidance notes and policies/procedures
Rotas, cover, supplies etc
sacramental programmes and sacraments (e.g. reconciliation) and associated liaison with other churches, the diocese and pastoral area;
liaison with other clergy and ministers when the PP is away and ensuring cover
Developing educational activities, other spirituality courses or events, retreats, and other internal /external evangelisation strategies
Youth groups
Special interest groups
Prayer groups
Liaison re external events with other Catholic or non Catholic Churches
Approval of events in the Church on Holy Days and Sundays and where related the hall during and around services
Implementing delegated functions from the PPC (e.g Friday lunches in Lent)
Liaison with other groups in the parish who help with this ministery.
In order to fulfil the above brief, leadership of individual activities is delegated and the individuals /groups concerned are either members of the group or we liaise with them directly
How you can help
We welcome active participation from the two Mass communities and any others who can help with any of the above activities. We would particularly welcome members from the 0830 community.
Here are a few suggestions for you:
You can help with any of the activities above,
.We will work with you to give you any additional support that you may need.
Who we are and whom to contact
We are currently a small group comprising: Liz Bellamy, Roy Budden, Sue and Steve Deadman, Mary Gobbi, Sandrine Leoni, Mags Moules, Veronica White and a representative of the choir.